by Richard Stringham | Feb 6, 2025 | Richard Stringham
In boardrooms everywhere, some of the most valuable insights go unspoken. I witnessed this firsthand when working with a board where two members seemed to fade into the wallpaper during crucial discussions. Their perspectives remained locked behind a barrier of...
by The Governance Coach™ | Oct 28, 2021 | Jeffery Schau
When it comes to evaluation, is your board living by its own standards? You likely recognize the value of evaluating your CEO against predefined expectations and standards. You even expect the CEO to do the same with subordinates. If you are using Policy Governance®...
by Richard Stringham | May 20, 2021 | Richard Stringham
Earlier on in my consulting career, it was common to come across boards in which directors thought that the Board Chair should be the CEO’s boss. However, when a board uses Policy Governance®, board members should operate in a manner that recognizes the board as a...
by Richard Stringham | Jun 17, 2020 | Richard Stringham
Worldwide protests sparked by the death of George Floyd have some asking if this will be the turning point in history that is so badly needed. Calls are being made for every institution at every level to tackle the pervasive and systemic racism. I’m a white male in...
by Richard Stringham | Jan 22, 2020 | Richard Stringham
In this age of disruption, what follows might seem heresy. We are encouraged to think outside the box, to view our businesses differently. I’ve no quarrel with that. But I’ve been witnessing some boards in which board members are shirking discipline and, in some...