Realboard advisor™
The Official Publication of
The Governance Coach™
L—Legacy Creating
January 2024 (Vol. 29 No. 1)
What’s Inside…
Meeting Evaluation – Tip of the Iceberg
Évaluation des réunions – La partie émergée de l’iceberg
“Rooted in Faith and Alive in Spirit”: How a Catholic school board became a role model of Diversity,
Equity and Inclusion
Do your Board’s Committees Contribute to your Board’s Success?
Les comités de votre conseil d’administration contribuent-ils à sa réussite ?
Empowering Boards through Individual and Peer Evaluations
The Future Value of Board Member Evaluation
Policy Review vs. Policy Monitoring: Nurturing and Safeguarding the Path to Effective Governance
Don’t Let External Criteria Confound Your Board’s Evaluation
Past Issues
June 2023 (Vol 28, No 2) - Governing With First Principles
Beavers, Golf Carts, and Governance Systems
First Principles Thinking: The Road to Governance Excellence
Uncovering Hidden Insights: The Power of the Deep Dive Approach
New and Emerging Issues Force Boards to Continually Reevaluate Their Values
La pensée du premier principe: la voie vers l’excellence en matière de gouvernance
Découvrir des idées cachées : la puissance de l’approche d’étude approfondie (« Deep Dive »)
January 2023 (Vol 28, No 1) - Risk...It's Not Just a Game!
Governing Risk: The Role of Context Awareness
The Risk of Being Blindsided by the Future
Board Actions Causing Risk: Lessons Learned by School Boards Through the Pandemic
Case Study: CEO Interpretations and Unforeseen Risks
Governing Financial Risks
La Gouvernance des risques financiers
June 2022 (Vol 27, No 2) - Towards New Norms For Governance
- Pareto With a Twist
- Making Time for What Matters
- Investing in Relationships – Return in Board Performance
- Meeting Stew
- Dialogue vs. Debate
- General Robert and Meeting Formality
January 2022 (Vol 27, No 1) - Crafting Effective Board Meetings
- Pareto With a Twist
- Making Time for What Matters
- Investing in Relationships – Return in Board Performance
- Meeting Stew
- Dialogue vs. Debate
- General Robert and Meeting Formality
June 2021 (Vol 26, No 2) - Creating Synergy: Board & CEO
- What is the Focus of the CEO job?
- The Custodian Called; He Wants to Know About Your Ends Policies!
- Two CEOs Share Their Experiences Achieving Policy Compliance
- Freedom and Accountability: Two Sides of the Same Coin
- What Information Should the CEO Provide to the Board?
- CEO Succession: Finding a Leadership Partner
January 2021 (Vol 26, No 1) - Charting a Course Ahead
- Board-CEO Relationship in a Time of Crisis
- Three Insights from Governing Through the Pandemic
- If You Want To Go Far
- Travelling Uncharted Waters
- If We Had Known Then What We Know Now
- Now Available ! GovernanceCoachOnline Introduction & Monitoring Courses
June 2020 (Vol 25, No 2) - Revealing the Gifts of Policy Governance®
- The Gift of an Accessible Governance System
- The Gift of Purpose
- Sustainability: Enabled by Policy Governance®
- The Gift of Confidence
- The Gift of Voice
- Gifts for the CEO
- Now Available! GovernanceCoachOnline
January 2020 (Vol 25, No 1) - After the Policies
- Change Does Not Equal Transition
- Ends Take Time
- Transformative Power of Ends
- Errors CEO’s Often Make When First using Policy Governance®
- Notes From a Policy Governance® Rollout
- Your First Policy Governance® Board Meeting
June 2019 (Vol 24, No 2) - Then, Now, Into The Future
- A Century of Governance Perspectives
- The Evolution of Policy Governance® Principles
- What’s a Reasonable Interpretation? Obtaining Clarity
- How Long Will It Take?
- Board Members for the Future
- Governance In 25 Years
- From Dream to Reality?
January 2019 (Vol 24, No 1) Let Me Ask You This
- How Do We Stop Tripping Over Each Other?
- The Elephant in the Room
- Didn’t You Get the Memo?
- Introducing GC Place™
- How do we Deal With a Bozo on Our Board?
- Why Shouldn’t We Approve the Budget?
June 2018 (Vol 23, No 2) - To Excellence…And Beyond
- Clarity Consultation – Start Where You Are
- The Board-Management Accountability Process – It Starts with Policies
- The Alignment Process – Preparing an Effective Structure for Governance
- The Accountability Culture Enhancer – Monitoring
- The Vision Refiner – Strategic Foresight
- The REALBoard Legacy Builder – What Will Be Your Board’s Legacy?
January 2018 (Vol 23, No 1) - A Culture of Confidence
- The Culture of Confidence: Trust & Health in Organizations
- Are You Measuring What Matters?
- One Voice: Necessary for Confident Ownership of Board Decisions
- Weathering the Storm
- Place Your Confidence in the Right Information
- Are You Confident in Your Board Team?
June 2017 (Vol 22, No 2) - Imagining Futures to Expand Horizons
- Hands-on or Heads-up? Strategic Foresight as the Heart of the Board’s Work
- Mind-Stretchers
- Connecting the Dots: How Strategic Foresight Informs Ends
- Taking a Disciplined Approach to Strategic Foresight
- What Kind of Imagination Does Your Board Need?
- Disruption, Risk & Strategic Foresight
January 2017 (Vol 22, No 1) - Policy Governance®: It’s Not Rocket Science
- Why Bother having Boards?
- Why use Policy Governance?
- Shingles, Systems & Governance
- We Want to Make a Difference! Let’s Get Started!
- The Cost of Poor Governance
- Meeting or Meddlings?
- Policy Governance Might be a Good Idea, BUT…
June 2016 (Vol 21, No 2) - Risk Management. Risk Governance.
- Kicking Horse Culture: Evolving Towards Policy Governance®
- From the Bridge: The Board’s Role in Relation to Risk
- The Power of Your Words: Risky Business
- The Board-CEO Interface in Managing Risk
- My Internship Experience: Malaysian Finance Manager Explores Policy Governance®
January 2016 (Vol 21, No 1) - REALBoard Effective Governing Series
- New – REALBoard Effective Governing Series (excerpts from Governing Membership Associations by Jannice Moore)
- Board Administrators – Unsung Heroes
- Implementing Policy Governance® in a Federation – Communicating with Member Associations
- Excerpts from Focusing Your Church Board by Ted Hull
- Policy Governance Educational Opportunities
June 2015 (Vol 20, No 2) - Our 20th Anniversary Edition!
The REALBoard Advisor takes on a brand new look to bring you articles, information and insights to the Policy Governance® model. Guest interviewer and writer Constance Semler has explored the journey of being a Policy Governance board with board chairs and CEOs of colleges, financial institutions, regulatory and health organizations. Their stories of success will inspire you. Visit our eStore to check out PINGO, our newest game for fun and interactive learning, and other practical knowledge products.
January 2015 (Vol 20, No 1) - Ownership Linkage
Is Your Board Well-Connected? All of our consultants have contributed to this newsletter to bring you an understanding of boards, owners, stakeholders, and customers. How do you discern who the real owners are? On whose behalf does the board govern? Who is the board’s boss? How do you maintain a perpetual ownership linkage plan? Can you connect with owners through conversation and how do you design linkage conversations? To whom is the board accountable and what are the legal and moral implications of authority? Does your board practice due diligence in fiduciary duties such as care, loyalty and obedience? Read articles by Jannice Moore, Richard Stringham, Rose Mercier, Andrew Bergen, Dee Incoronato and Joseph Inskeep for insight to all of these questions.