Books & More
Based on our depth and breadth of experience in applying Policy Governance® to a wide variety of boards, we have created innovative approaches to learning about the model, and practical, hands-on tools to help boards achieve mastery of Policy Governance.
REALBoard Toolkits™
REALBoard Self-Directed Learning™
REALBoard Tool Kits™
Meaningful Monitoring
Monitoring is critical to the board’s ability to be accountable to those on whose behalf it governs. This Tool Kit addresses real-life questions about the process of monitoring the CEO. How does a board attend to this important task without spending undue time on it? What should a monitoring report look like? This NEW & REVISED EDITION draws on the most recent practical experience and understanding within the community of Policy Governance users of what good monitoring looks like. It provides practical tips, samples and a variety of tools to make monitoring easier and more meaningful. Now including QR codes to access short videos about aspects of monitoring.
$34.99 each
8 or more copies for your board at $29.99 each and receive a complimentary digital copy of all the tools.
Board Self-Evaluation
The second in our REALBoard Tool Kit Series is designed to address real-life questions about Board Self-Evaluation (sometimes called board monitoring) using practical tips, samples and a variety of tools! Make board self-evaluation a meaningful part of your governance process!
$34.99 each
8 or more copies for your board at $29.99 each and receive a complimentary digital copy of all the tools.
Connect: A Guide to Ownership Linkage
The third volume in our REALBoard Tool Kit Series is designed to answer the real-life questions about the process of connecting or linking with those on whose behalf the board governs. How does the board attend to this critical task, enabling it to gather the wisdom necessary to effectively provide leadership?
Connect! A Guide To Ownership Linkage provides practical tips, samples and a variety of tools to make your efforts to “Connect!” easier and more effective.
$34.99 each
8 or more copies for your board at $29.99 each and receive a complimentary digital copy of all the tools.
Future-Focused Agendas
Many boards fail to realize the full value of Policy Governance by simply creating policies, but then not making optimal use of their meeting time. This fourth volume in our REALBoard Tool Kit Series is a practical guide to focusing a board on the future direction of the organization, thus maximizing the potential of the Policy Governance model.
$34.99 each
8 or more copies for your board at $29.99 each and receive a complimentary digital copy of all the tools.
REALBoard Self-Directed Learning™
REALBoard Self-Directed Learning
Our Self-Directed Learning modules are designed to help you learn about a system that will help your board become Results-Focused, Exemplary, Accountable, and Legacy-creating.
This modular course covers all of the Policy Governance principles. Each module can be completed in 15 to 20 minutes, so that you can learn in convenient segments that match your personal schedule.
REALBoard Self-Directed Learning is for you if:
- Your board is considering Policy Governance, and wants to learn more about how it works.
- You are a new member of a board already using the Policy Governance model, and want to get up to speed.
- You already use Policy Governance, but want to refresh your knowledge.
- You are considering joining a board that uses Policy Governance and want to know more about how it works.
Annual subscription price is $350 per individual user, or $1500 for your organization, including all board members and administrative team
Click here to sample one of the REALBoard Self-Directed Learning modules
Policy Governance Books
Policy Governance® Basics: Jumpstart Your Understanding
You’ve become a member of a board that uses the Policy Governance® model. Board members speak of Ends, Executive Limitations, and Governance Process. These are all policies, but what do they really mean? What is monitoring all about? What is your role as a board member and what is the CEO responsible for?
The Governance Coach™ has assisted a wide range of boards to implement the Policy Governance model and our team has become proficient in its use since 1994. Over the years, we have written books, tool kits, articles, and blogs. In this small book we have dipped into that store of writings to bring you a cross-section of material about the basics of Policy Governance. If your board is just getting started with this governance system designed by Dr. John Carver, or if you are a new board member on a board already using the system, these short articles will help you jumpstart your understanding of its use and unlock the potential to make your governance add real value.
$25.00 ea ($20.00 ea E-BOOK)
Reflections On Leadership
2019 marked the 25th Anniversary of The Governance Coach™. To celebrate this milestone and express our gratitude to our clients and colleagues for our success, we created a small book: Reflections on Leadership.
Being a consultant is a leadership position, but one without formal authority. We give advice to our clients, who can choose to follow it or not. We trust it’s been wise advice. In the process, we ourselves have grown and learned a lot about leadership.
In this brief volume, each page beautifully illustrated, we share our reflections on leadership based on observations and personal experience – one reflection for each of our 25 years. We trust you’ll find at least a few nuggets of insight to enhance your own leadership.
$35.00 ea
The Board Member’s Companion: What Successful Boards Need to Know (E-Book)
This E-Book brings together the best of the writings of The Governance Coach™ team over the past years on the subject of governance, with particular attention to the Policy Governance® model. The authors share their experiences and reflections based on over 100 years of cumulative experience in working with over 500 boards in a wide variety of sectors.
The articles range from short, pithy blogs to in-depth thinking pieces. You will find a multitude of practical ideas your board can apply to continuously improve the value it brings to your organization.
$45.00 ea
A Tale of Two School Boards
by Andrew Bergen and Jannice Moore
Bergen and Moore have combined their years of experience in applying the Policy Governance® model to school boards in the form of a novel. The challenges and frustrations faced by the characters will sound familiar to many readers as they draw you into the story.
Follow the adventures of Anthony Reyes, frustrated Chair of the Norcrest School Board, as he is introduced to a better way of governing by Katherine Billings, Chair of the Dixon School District Board. As the story unfolds, Anthony has coffee chats with Katherine and visits her board to observe how Policy Governance could transform the way his board operates. The Norcrest School Board then engages on a learning journey as it moves to adopt Policy Governance as the model for governing its school district.
This book encourages readers to identify questions and potential myths they might hold about Policy Governance, and self-evaluate their current knowledge prior to reading the novel. The book is accompanied by two study guides – one for readers new to Policy Governance, and one for readers already using Policy Governance. These guides contain a few questions for each chapter, making them an ideal way for a board to learn together. Includes workbooks for those new to Policy Governance and one for those familiar with Policy Governance.
$45.00 ea
A Tale of Two School Boards: The Next Chapter
by Andrew Bergen and Jannice Moore
Bergen and Moore have combined their years of experience in applying the Policy Governance® model to school boards in the form of a novel. The challenges and frustrations faced by the characters will sound familiar to many readers as they draw you into the story.
In the words of author, Andrew Bergen, “I was just too fond of Anthony to say goodbye, so the tale continues!” The sequel to the unique novel, A Tale of Two School Boards, takes the reader along with chair Anthony Reyes and the Norcrest School District Board. They encounter numerous scenarios as a board, while expanding their knowledge and understanding about how the Policy Governance system helps the board direct and control the organization. The board will walk you through specific applications of Policy Governance and you’ll see how the trustees learn to apply Policy Governance in practical and realistic ways.
From a staff perspective, Nathan Bentz, Superintendent of Norcrest School District, explores some ideas about how to support school district staff in furthering their understanding of how Policy Governance applies to their work. He also addresses how to write monitoring reports, understand and apply policy, the necessity of maintaining the ten principles and supporting Board Holism.
$40.00 ea (Two Volume Set with Study Guide $85.00)
Governing Membership Associations
by Jannice Moore
Membership associations have a tremendous potential to improve society. However, that potential can be forfeited by poor governance. Is your association board mired in operational details? Does it have time to talk about the difference you want to make for members? Do board members leave the meeting only to hold a parking-lot meeting to express frustrations that nothing was accomplished? Have you considered whether your association will remain relevant in the rapidly-changing world of the future? Does your association change direction every year as a new board chair is elected and wants to leave his or her mark? Do you have new directors who aren’t sure what their job is?
This book provides solutions. It is grounded in the Policy Governance® model created by John Carver. How does this system work in the real world of associations? Instead of becoming involved in a myriad of detailed operational issues, boards can provide proactive leadership so their associations will thrive. They can delegate operational details with confidence, knowing if they follow the principles of this system, the accountability that accompanies delegation will be in place.
Moore combines her experience of having worked within associations, both at the senior management and board levels, with the expertise gained in over twenty years of assisting boards to apply the principles of Policy Governance® in the real world. The reader will find this book full of practical advice to apply the system to the world of association governance.
$35.00 ea
Focusing Your Church Board
by Ted Hull
Church boards are often the scene of confusion, conflict and chaos. What’s the job of the board? What’s the role of the pastor in relation to the board? Should there be an elder board and an administrative board? Ted Hull’s use of illustrations and analogies bring these questions – and answers – into focus.
Ted first looks at the foundation of governance, both from a biblical and historical perspective. Then he introduces Policy Governance®, often referred to as the Carver model, and confronts questions regarding whether this secular model can work in the church, or if it should even be allowed. He even argues for why a church board may not want to use Policy Governance.
When you’re done reading, you’ll never look at the role of a church board in the same way again. In fact, whether you’re a member of your church board or the board of any charity, you’ll find yourself reaching for this book more than once.
$17.99 ea
Governance For Health System Trustees
by Jannice Moore
This book provides you with 1) the questions you need to ask yourself and 2) the answers, so you can determine if you’re doing the right things to ensure the long-term future of your health organization. Whether you’re a trustee of a health region, an acute care or a long-term care facility, or a health-related voluntary agency, you need to know and understand exactly what your board’s responsibilities are.
$39.95 ea
$35.95 ea (5 or more copies)
Policy Governance Games
A fun, interactive learning session geared to boards who are new to Policy Governance®
PINGO is an opportunity to test your understanding of the principles of Policy Governance and their application. You’ll also have fun with your fellow board members and staff as you compete to be the first to call out PINGO!
$60.00 ea
A challenging, fun way to enhance Policy Governance® learning !
Reinforce your understanding of Policy Governance principles and their application with a stimulating “jeopardy” style game.
Teams of board members compete to answer questions from basic concepts to challenging applications in areas such as monitoring, owner linkage, ends, delegation and limitations. May be played as a board game or visually displayed with PowerPoint version, included on flash drive. All questions include complete answers, as well as specific references to the subject matter in one of John or Miriam Carver’s books.
Suitable for use at a board retreat, or may be played in smaller segments as an educational component of any board meeting.
$95.00 ea
More Tools
Assessing A Monitoring Report – Quick Start Guide
This concise guide is designed to help your board members learn to assess a monitoring report. It provides a step-by-step process with examples for each step. In a handy 8.5 x 11 laminated format, it can be kept with your board materials for easy reference.
Board Orientation Manual
A Word® template to create a board orientation manual for new and existing board members
Includes board fiduciary responsibilities, policy development, monitoring, linking with owners, your board’s culture and traditions, communicating with staff, board structure and governing style, the Policy Governance® source document, the board’s key relationships, logistical information, board support, FAQs and much more.
The Best-Fit Board Member Matrix™
This tool is to use when your board is recruiting new candidates for membership. It provides a simple method for your board to compare candidates based on your own customized criteria. It provides a listing and description of characteristics to consider when recruiting and selecting board members.
The Best-Fit Board Member Matrix™ allows your board to add or delete specific characteristics that are important to you, and also to determine as a board the relative importance of each characteristic. This tool is available to you in a downloadable format.
The Best-Fit Board Builder™
This tool will assist your board in assessing new candidates for your board. The Builder provides a bank of interview questions related to the board member characteristics you selected as most important for your board members to possess. (We recommend using the Best-Fit Board Member Matrix™ to determine these characteristics).
Rather than focusing on hard skills such as financial literacy and business experience, this tool provides questions to assess characteristics such as passion for the mission, systems perspective, critical thinking, and ability to function as an effective member of the board team, which are not commonly found in interview tools. The Best-Fit Board Builder™ is available in a downloadable format and includes a Word Format document that allows you to easily select specific questions and create a custom interview and scoring guide for them.